
A man speaks on the phone as he sits by a fire near a destroyed building in the aftermath of a deadly earthquake in Antakya, Turkey February 20, 2023. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov

ANTAKYA, Turkey, Feb 20 (Reuters) – Turkey stepped up work to clear away rubble from collapsed buildings on Monday, as rescue work wound down two weeks after major earthquakes killed more than 46,000 people in southern Turkey and northwest Syria.
Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) said that nearly 13,000 excavators, cranes, trucks and other industrial vehicles had been sent to the quake zone.

Help urgently needed to mitigate the trauma and immediate needs of survivors. Due to infrastructural damage and to support the local economy, at this stage funding is the feasible way to go. GRf needs funds to empower survivors in need of heating, stoves, tents, soft toys and hope.
Your donation towards the GRf emergency fund will enable our volunteer workers as they are addressing the most urgent needs of survivors. When donating, kindly specify project you wish to support.
Cost per tent $500 to $600 about R12 500
Cost per soft toy R300 to R500
Help sending a Volunteer R20 000 (flight ticket and basics)


Global Relief (GRf) is a South African based relief organization that facilitates professional and other volunteers to assist the survivors of major disasters around the world and empower the affected communities to take ownership of their own reconstruction.

Currently, we are helping people in Turkey and Syria, after the devastation left by the 2023 earthquake. Please view new posts on our current page.

It all started when a group of volunteer medical people, a psychologist and civil engineers assisted earthquake survivors in Turkey, 1999. We will therefore be returning to the country, but to a different area.

Our medical volunteers provide medical treatment and our civil and structural engineers inspect buildings to determine their safety. Our psychosocial workers are trained to help survivors deal with the emotional trauma of a disaster.

We have provided essential services at major earthquake scenes in Turkey, Algeria, India, Iran and during the Southeast Asian tsunami of December 2004.

GRf is a volunteer organization. We rely heavily on donations from the public in order to continue providing these emergency services. Click here to make a secure online donation towards our emergency fund.

History 1999 - 2017


Global Relief (GRf) is ’n Suid-Afrikaans-gebaseerde hulp-organisasie wat professionele en ander vrywilligers fasiliteer om oorlewendes van rampe regoor die wêreld by te staan. Ons werkers is opgelei om oorlewendes by te staan met die emosionele trauma van ‘n ramp.

Ons is tans besig om vlugtendes in die kampe vir ontwortelde mense in Irak, Sirië en die Midde Ooste by te staan. Vir meer inligting, sien asseblief ons nuwe projekte op die “Current“-blad.

Dit het begin toe ‘n groep mediese personeel, ‘n sielkundige en siviele ingenieurs die oorlewendes van die aardbewing in Turkye in 1999 vrywillig bygestaan het.

Ons mediese vrywilligers verskaf mediese behandeling en ons siviele en strukturele ingenieurs inspekteer geboue om die veiligheid daarvan te bepaal.

Ons het noodsaaklike dienste verskaf in die areas waar groot aardbewings plaasgevind het, soos bv. in Turkye, Algerië, Indië en Iran asook gedurende die Suidoos-Asië tsunami in Desember 2004.

GRf is ‘n organisasie van vrywilligers. Ons maak staat op publieke skenkings om die nooddienste te kan lewer. Klik hier om ’n veilige aanlyn donasie tot ons fonds te maak.

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